When buying furniture in Shopping Mall DAUGA, in the store "Optimus" 'furniture, I had to face a very unpleasant attitude. to receive the furniture had to think about how to bring home, because when asking the staff of the store, we received an answer that we are not responsible for it, and these are your problems, how to deliver. When bringing the furniture home, it was found that professional help is needed to help furniture, because it was not possible, because such tools are unfortunately not for everyone at home, and such are only store employees who put the furniture together. And as far as is known, the fittings are usually already attached to the factory. We asked the store manager to come and put together, to which a lot of negative reservations were received, and told us to take them back, then take them home again, to which it was spit on them, that for every time I have to look for transport and money, as a result did not come to us as a client, but looked for a lot of reservations so that nothing would be done in the interests of the client, agreed to write some explanations, what to look for, what to do, etc. , although there was no defect or defect, question was just about to put someone together. It was the end of finding a man from another firm, which resulted in the issue was resolved in just 10 min. So, dear buyers, draw conclusions when buying any furniture, and if something is not right, the money will not be returned once, and with a sofa or section, you will go to their store as much as it will be beneficial for them,because, unfortunately, such a rich store cannot provide transport for itself, especially in such situations and customer needs. We shoppers work for the store :(not the store for the good of the people