28 Apr, 2018 → by ClaimboUser148058
Dangerous Drivers!

Just reported a driver in truck 702618. This woman driving this truck should have her commercial license suspended for how she drives putting lives in danger and didn't even care! In the lane to the right of me about a foot from the front of my car this unprofessional inconsiderate woman tries to change into my lane. I layed on my horn because it was absolutely to close for even a regular car to be trying to change lanes. She then corrected herself and went back into her lane, seconds later now knowing she is unable to get over I preceded as by that time of her changing lanes I was already at her end. She then decided she was going to change lanes even after being notified she wasn't able to do so, forcing me out of my lane or rear ending her truck. I had my 14 month old in the back seat. Luckily I saw an opening for me to get into the right lane. This woman SHOULDN'T have a commercial license. That was reckless, dangerous, and down right careless of the cars around her that she put into danger, come to find out because she wasn't planning ahead for her exit and waited till the last second to get over two lanes for her exit. As a company I suggest you people find better drivers, she put not only herself but your company inches away at risk for a major lawsuit. And I can promise someone like that acts in that manor not once but twice after warning them you will find yourself face to face with a lawsuit! It shows just what kind of company this is! Suspend her license and show her that careless and dangerous behavior such as this is absolutely not tolerated!! I will post this review everywhere your name shows.
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