Public Transportation
Average Rating:
3.43Average Rating:
1.33Average Rating:
2.75Average Rating:
2Average Rating:
1.4Average Rating:
3.25Average Rating:
2.13Average Rating:
2Average Rating:
2.2Public transport should be a flawless alternative to regular driving. If the government, as well as the private companies, invest their time, effort, and money into the development of public transportation, the locals and the tourists get back to this place again and again. Convenient pubic transport helps you save money on moving from one place to another. Besides, you don’t have to concentrate on driving. What if you decide to have a couple of drinks in a local bar? Wouldn’t it be enjoyable to get back home by bus, underground or El?
Convenient public transport includes a range of facilities with modern stations and bus stops. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the comfort of the vehicles. They should be spacious enough to prevent overcrowding.
Another important thing is relevant information about departures. The schedule should be available not only on the information boards on the bus stops and stations but on the internet as well.
Effective transportation helps the city to breathe and helps its citizens to move around and get to the destination points in no time.
You should also remember that effective transportation implies a sufficient number of properly-arranged parking lots so that the car drivers didn’t have to park on the pavement. Bicycle storage and bicycle lines are also crucial for a big and vibrant city. The reviews of our users will help you learn more about how efficient a city transportation system should be.