22 Dec, 2020 → by ClaimboUser137667
Cancellation of contract that’s been paid off for years


I purchased RHC vacation plan in 1998 and paid it off a few years later. I never use it nor have any desire to use it. However, I keep getting billed for annual maintenance fees. In April 2019 I retained Primo Management Group, Orlando FL, to get me out of this timeshare nightmare. They have currently been unable to wrest me free from this contract, citing that RHC won't respond to the emails and certified letters, or that it is sent to the wrong department. Bottom line, RHC continues to avoid responding to my request to cancel the contract. Among the many things I am very upset about is that "we" have no legal recourse against a company that practices business in the USA, and has a physical presence in the USA. Additionally, RHC continues to engage in misleading practices, and fraudulently victimizes customers with unconscionable in perpetuity contracts! I would be very interested in any US sponsored class action suit with other aggrieved customers against this Mexican company.
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