I’ve been using Pretty Litter for over a year now. At best, the product is average. One packet lasts only a couple of weeks, which of course does not match the stated period of 1 month, despite following the instructions verbatim. The smell is unpleasant after 10 days, even though I add a new one. My last...
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I’m not pissed. Just want to know when my 3 bags are going to be delivered. Ordered 8/2. Total $66.44. Teresa Johnson 6239 Rockledge pl York. S.c. 29745 Thank you! Lol at pissed customer.
Nobody got back to me.. hopefully you have my new card number..so I can keep getting my pretty Litter. Cynthia Hill
I apologize for using the wrong page to communicate with you. Im not pissed. I love kitty litter, I just need to bet my order sooner. User’s recommendation: Kitty Litter is great.
My order never came . Do not charge or ship more orders. I cannot contact company. They keep sending me texts that I am getting more litter! I never even got 1 bag