Biased Scheduling
These people, your young board, when scheduling new entrants, are In general, these routes were constructively explored, or just put together from the office with a computer! For example, the 10th tram route, from which from the awakening house will go to the center, stopping at the torahala stop, from where the train leaves for Long Beach! There is nothing shiny about the old board, but the new board has generally skipped the numbers when people who want to go to nature and not drive cars, but stick to the green ideas and direction of the European Parliament people now have to wait almost half an hour, or there are just any 3. Min to get to the train, but even for the three mentioned it is not possible, because those trams arrive on their own and irresponsibly even for at least two minutes, when it is no longer possible to get there until that train! Like today with tram no.30928 which should have been 14.19 but arrived at 14.21 somehow no such bills and no accidents! Come to the mind, either, will also raise this irresponsibility in social networks! If that is not enough, then we can also write to the European Parliament about how our Oakland traffic cares about clean air and the environment, as well as about environmentally friendly means of transport! (your customers)!