Scam and Fake Checks
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1.36When someone asks you to deposit a check online, it’s a scam. In a fake check, someone you don’t know asks you to deposit a check. The sums can be different. In the end, you should send the sum to someone else for a little reward. The scammers are very inventive and always have something to persuade you in the realism of the story. An issue like this works best on elderly internet users with bad digital literacy.
Someone might also say you’ve forgotten to pay the bills and taxes. These scammers become especially active before Christmas and the New Year when most people tend not to concentrate on the bills and pay anything not to be notified about it again.
Have you heard about mystery shopping? They hire you as a mystery shopper and ask you to evaluate a retailer. Then you get a check and an instruction persuading you to deposit the money in a personal bank account as your first assignment. Then you’ll have to wire the deposit to another person’s account. The overall scheme sounds silly, but it still works. As soon as you reassign your account, you lose your money.
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