28 Oct, 2018 → by ClaimboUser549486
Devestatingly sad

I went in to get a few things for my gerbils that I have and when I was looking around at some of the animals I saw around 6 or 7 black bear hamsters in a ten gallon tank, fully grown and one of them was fighting with another repeatedly. I convinced my mother to let me get the one that was being fought with as she surely would have been killed if I left the store without her. As you may know black bear hamsters are generally known for their gentle behavior toward humans, but these hamsters were obviously mishandled or under handled as almost all were trying to bite my hand as I put my hand in the tank to stop the fighting (as the tank was easy for anyone to access!). I did this several times as the hamster continued to fight with the other. I finally went to get some help from a worker there who came over to the cage and scruffed the aggressor on the neck several times! This makes no sense to do that though as the hamster was only doing what it's instincts tell her to do. Hamsters are naturally meant to live alone either wise they may fight to the death for territory. They would not move the aggressor to another tank or separate them all which would have been preferable so I decided to get the hamster that was being attacked. I don't remember at what point, but none the less I got a bite from one of her sisters as my hand was in the tank. When the cashier came over to get my new hamster from the tank she also got bit by another one of her sisters very badly. When I asked how old they were they said about 9 weeks. I wonder what they endoured during those 9 weeks for surely they did not have a proper place before. My hamster which I have since then named Maybelle is enjoying her life at my house though is very scared of me and my family still (I have had her for about 2 months) and she bites us out of fear. I hope I can get her unafraid of humans soon. Oddly she will sometimes let me pet her though I can not pick her up right now. She is doing marvelously though and I love her very much. She is so cute and I hope all her sisters are ok. I personally think that all ricks cares about is their reptiles and fish. All their mammals and birds seem to be not properly cared for. Please do not buy anything form Ricks except for your next pet as they deserve loving homes. Thank you!!! Sincerely, an animal lover
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