19 Jun, 2019 → by ClaimboUser134464
Where to go now, recomendations?

I just came across this blog, I was turned down twice. I ask the publisher to please post this as some of these are rather dated, if I may, can I ask if any readers like myself who may be running across this article who are in the same boat as I am. I have many ideas, lets just say its in my gene pool. What did some of you do next? What firms are reputable? I am an a simple honest sole, who likes to invent and I feel I am sitting on many good ideas. I am tired of sitting idle when only to see one of my ideas already out there cause someone else didn't sit idle not know where to turn. I am open to someone reaching out to partner up with. I have ideas in many areas, low tech and high tech, simple and complex. I feel for all of you that got scammed, so lets get together and beat them at their own game, so to speak. Guys, ideas are what America Great in the first place! Just say'n. Upon my closing, any advice is appreciated, and good luck to you all. Jsm
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