25 Jul, 2021 → by ClaimboUser35079
Training & Membership Cancellation – EOS continued charging credit card


I live in Northern California but was in AZ for an extended period taking care of my mother while she was on Hospice. I needed an outlet and some exercise so signed EOS AZ Pebble Creek membership agreement #[protected] on 6/10/2021 with 2 weeks free membership. First due date was 6/24/2021. On 6/17/2021 signed agreement for personal training and was told I could cancel when I returned to California after my mother passed. On 6/27/2021 my mother passed. On 6/28/2021 I emailed my cancellation request for both training and membership to the general manager of the EOS location. I received an email from the assistant training manager, Gerald, requesting proof of California residence, required to cancel the training agreement. He stated that I would be charged for the next two week training period - even though I was only ten days into the agreement and we had discussed extensively my situation and that I would be able to cancel at any time with, what I understood would be, no financial consequences. On 7/19/2021 I found another Eos charge on my credit card equivalent to another 2 week personal training. On 7/19/2021 I contacted the Eos location, spoke to Travis the acting training manager. Travis stated he would check into the charge and work to get the cherge reversed. He also stated he would have Gerald contact me the next day with an update. I did NOT receive a call back. On 7/22/2021, I called and spoke to Gerald. He stated that he had given me incorrect information about the costs associated with cancellation of the training agreement and they had requested reversing the most recent charge. I submitted a disputed charge request with my credit card company. I have never received written(email, text, or letter) acknowledgement of my cancellation request or confirmation of cancellation.
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