9 Aug, 2021 → by ClaimboUser133138
Selling on eBay
I had a problem - ebay sided with a buyer who decided to return my product that was custom- made for her. She just said " not as described, " even though I gave no description on ebay! Not only they refund buyer in full, they also took full commission from me, return postage and paypal fees; in their email they explained, and I quote below, it summarizes eBay's decision to always refund buyer at seller's expense, no matter what, so I'm closing my account after almost 20 years selling on ebay: "We found that when buyers had bad experiences with sellers or eBay, they were likely to leave eBay and they usually decreased their shopping on eBay. Your understanding is highly appreciated! I trust I was able to address your concern since you are charged for the transaction even when the buyer has been refunded." — at eBay Marketing.