28 Mar, 2019 → by ClaimboUser150900

Received a high pressure sales call from RCI (Timothy Holsie and Archie) offering a travel package which would include a cruise and a 7-Day hotel stay plus vacation dollars which would give us 60% of hotels worldwide... all for $2,999.00. We were told this trip could be used at any time over the course of the next two years, we decided to take the offer. We were advised we would have to pay $300 to lock in that price and then they would bill our account monthly for $118.00 until it was paid off. We were also told we could cancel the package within 10 days if we choose to. Well after getting off the phone with them we pulled up the reviews and saw 100's of people complaining about this being a scam and not getting what they had paid for... really bad vacation experiences people had been exposed to and having to pay a lot more money out of their pocket to fix situations rci would not cover while they were on vacation. So we called back the very next day and requested to cancel the package. We were not provided a cancellation number or an email showing that the trip was cancelled. So I called back the next day requesting this info and was told they do not send emails or provide a cancellation number... but we could trust them the money would be returned within 5 business days. Lol! 8 days later... Nothing. Every time we call we would get their voicemail. Eventually I had to call my bank and open a dispute. The bank has refunded our initial $300 payment and we have requested to change our debit card number to prevent any further deductions from this SCAM company. STAY AWAY FROM THIS TRAP! More detailed review is better
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