9 Sep, 2021 → by ClaimboUser2891
Lyceum app and student advisor


To whom it may concern We are paying for one of our staff members studies at Lyceum. She missed her May exam and after I struggled alot, I finally received an answer from a guy called Matthias. The student advisor (Nafisa Sale), whom we thought is there to advise students when there is a problem, told me that she only help to get students started. She dont even know how the app looks. I also tried to speak to Hannelie but she was also very impatient trying to explain to me that its the students fault...and the student does not read her things... which was my problem because I tried to figure out how to avoid the same thing to happen, but she told me to talk to the sudent advisor, whom like I explained above was also not helpfull with my concern regarding the app. The app is my main problem, it made her miss all her things because there is nothing in my calender, nothing in my path...actually there is nothing in anything except my class, which is just taking you to the website?? She did just fine last year, when there was no app and they knew they had to go on to the website. Reason why i am sending this to you, is because she missed the May exam (supplementary) again as well as important correspondaning letters about October assignments because she kept on finding nothing on the app. I would like to request correspondence where they informed the students on how they muast make use of the app and how it works. I am super frustrated and I do realise that she looked at the wrong place but my question is: Why is there an app if the app just takes you to the website. All the other buttons is not working? She will probably have to repeat her second year but I am not happy about the fact that an app was given to students which is not helping at all. For someone with a little bit of knowledge on online platforms, this can be done much better. Please make sure your platform is upgraded. Mrs Leslie Director This is super frustrating.
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