7 May, 2015 → by ClaimboUser514641
Funny Family Pharmacy


Update by user May 09, 2015 After trying to get some of my pills refilled at Rite Aid I found out they had not sent another prescription over so I called and asked them to send it over and any other they had not sent. The pharmacist who answered the phone at Family Drug was again very nervous and said well she felt I should talk to the owner about this. I again stated I did not need anyone's permission to have my prescriptions transferred to another pharmacy so please make sure all of my meds are transferred to Rite Aid. I called Rite Aid later to make sure they had gotten them all and told them what all I needed refilled, The pharmacist told me they had only gotten the one prescription I had mentioned earlier not any of the others. I was now really upset WHY would this be such a HASSLE to transfer MY prescriptions. I called Family Drugs In Columbiana Ohio AGAIN and this time the Pharmacist who had been shorting me my pills answered the phone and got really nasty with me on the phone saying what was my problem with bothering them by calling all day and demanding them to do this and that I said all I was doing was asking that ALL of my prescriptions be transferred to Rite Aid in Salem I was not asking for anything out of the ordinary to be done. I told her I was tired of all the games with there store she told me I was the whole problem and they did not have to transfer anything. I said listen you are stealing my pills I know this for a fact. For some reason my refill date was set for the 10th of the month and you guys kept moving me back further and further then next it was the 17th even though I was running out of pills and then it went to the 23rd of the month and when I called and said I was out of my pills they said I would have to talk to the owner as my pick up date was set for the 23rd. I said why last month I picked up on the 19th and the month before it was the 17th each month it keeps moving back and back. I had set it with the ORIGINAL OWNER (NOT THE NEW CROOKED ONE) to heave it set on the 10th being that I am on disability so that I had enough money to be sure to pay the co-pay on them. I told this nasty pharmacist to either send my prescriptions over to Rite Aid and I mean ALL of them or I would call the Drug Board on them. And I would also turn them into Medicare for Medicare Fraud for stealing my pills. She said I was an *** and said she would send then and hung up on me. I though what a rude person. I am now going to turn them into Medicare for treating like dirt. I found out from Rite Aid that my pills had been filled by them on the 7th of the month but they would not give them to me I do not know why as Rite Aid had refilled a lot of prescriptions that I was shocked they did I asked why were they filled so soon she said this is what they said were the refill dates on them I said wow and they would not give me my pills until the end of the month. The People at Rite Aid were so interested as were at my Dr. Office to hear all that has went on here at Family Drug in Columbiana My Dr. Office Nurse said she was pulling all of her business from there and they would no longer recommend patients to use them due to this not being the first time they have heard of problems with them and pills missing and funny things going on there. Update by user May 07, 2015 This is Family Drug in Columbiana Ohio Original review posted by user May 07, 2015 I had been getting shorted my pills on a regular basis from one pharmacist at Family Drugs in Columbiana Ohio they were making it right but then it got out of control and they would not make it right. I was going to leave and then worked it out with the owner. For him only to fill my meds. When I found they called my Family Dr. had my Metformin refilled but did not give them to me and told the Dr. I had not been in to get my pills yet when I called my Dr. to get a refill. I decided it is time to leave. When I changed to Rite Aid they refused to send all my Scripts to them. What a crooked group of people. I had told Rite Aid I had a compound cream that would be coming along with my other meds. I have not seen what all scripts they sent at this time. Its been 2 hours since I talked to them and at this time Rite Aid said they still have not gotten the script for the cream sent to them and are waiting for it so I can pick up all my meds at the same time. They had told Rite Aid I had not had that script filled in 2 years and had no refills on it. So there was noting to send in. When I called Family Drug they told me I would have to call in tomorrow to talk to the owner about seeing if there were any refills on it left. I said can't the pharmacist on duty look for it now? The girls stuttered and said oh I guess so and put me on hold when she came back she asked what cream I was talking about I said I only had one compound cream there and that would be the one and kind of chuckled, she said oh ok yeah you have 1 refill left, and I said ok would you transfer that refill to Rite Aid then and she told me I would have to call in and talk to Brian tomorrow to see if he wanted to do that. I said what? She said yeah she could not send that over without his permission, I said and why is that? Her voice was getting more shaky and she was getting more nervous she gave the phone to another girl and she said what did I want I said I wanted all my refills transferred to Rite Aid she said Brian already sent them all. I said then why was the cream not sent? She said well if I really wanted it sent I could call him tomorrow I said no I am out and need it filled today, I said I know the pharmacist can send it so PLEASE send it today and she said OK she would do it. I will call Rite Aid before I go in around 2 hours from now @ 3:00 to see if they have called it in so they could fill it that will have given them 3 hours to have transferred it. If they are going to I don't know what they are going to do. The one pharmacist use to give me a low dose of my Topamax pills every time she filled my prescription instead of the correct dosage and would short me on my Lyrica at first she was sorting me on my Provigal and kept shorting me on them but only a few here and there I had to count my pills every month to make sure I got the right amount. Now if you are running a legitimate place I should not have to do that. She stated to me she was tired of people accusing her of shorting them... seems to be a pattern with her??? someone is selling drugs on the side I think as the owner told me she passes her drug tests??? or is he in on this also WHO KNOWS??? Seems funny since he is calling my Dr. for refills and then not giving me them and also refusing to send in my scripts for transfers Hmmm I think the Drug Board Needs to step in here.
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