Health and Beauty
Average Rating:
1.67Average Rating:
1.67Average Rating:
1.13Average Rating:
1.6Average Rating:
1.2Average Rating:
1.25Check reviews and complaints of real users in the category «Health and Beauty». Thousands of other people share their opinion here. They describe all the strengths and weaknesses of various companies, connected with health and beauty.
Looking for a clinic that provides all the necessary procedures on a higher level? Maybe, you want to find a licensed shop that supplies clients only with good items? Then you should read here what other people write. You should pay attention to the fact that not all people are fair and leave realistic comments.
Almost have dealt with the companies, listed below? You also may leave your review, either positive or negative. If everything was perfect, praise managers, write their names and tell everyone why you are so satisfied. In case you are disappointed, write about the reason for your disappointment. Detailed comments will definitely help other people decide whether they want to appeal to some companies or not.
Remember that your review may be seen by the representatives of the company. They would take your opinion into account and even may give a refund if something in the service turned out to be rather unpleasant.