9 Aug, 2021 → by ClaimboUser347344
Fedup with the abysmal service at boots pharmacy thurmaston
Firstly I'd like to say how sorry i am for the lack of support boots gives to there employees, allowing them to work in such a stressful environment, once again i spent 19 minutes trying to speak to thurmaston pharmacy. No answer, arrived at pharmacy, prescription not ready,(come back about 5 ) 6oclock can't find it not ready ,wait 30 minutes, 2 very important items out of stock , i can't believe it, the lady shows me a fist full of prescriptions thaet need filling and appologises ,were short staffed, same apology every month. Question, why does a large organisation like boots allow short staffing in that imprtant areas you've obviously got to many patients relying on your services,why havent you got a team coordinator. Why isn't there any stock control, why does this pharmacy alwayslook a shambles, i think im going to give Boots the boot User's recommendation: Do what I'm thinking of doing giving boots the proverbial Boot ,if your monthly visit is very frustrating.