30 Oct, 2020 → by ClaimboUser146907
Boots Holsworthy Devon


Opening hours for this store are advertised as 7.30 opening which has become a joke! For the third time of visiting to collect prescriptions on the way to work the staff sit in cars till 7.30 at which time they unlock the doors at approx 7.30 and then proceed to chat, make coffee, tidy hair and stand around. 10 minutes later allowed to enter the store to be told that the computer is not on so another wait, to be told the prescription that had been there for three days was not made up so will have to wait again. The member of staff told the back room staff that i was waiting for the prescription but they continued to chat and stand around without any hint of urgency.Eventually the same staff member chased them up and after 15 minutes the prescription arrived which was only 2 boxes of the same tablets and was hardly a complicated order! I was the only customer at the time and would have expected that the five staff to have managed a better service than this. 25 minutes is not good enough and then late for work!Thankyou for your time and consideration in this matter.
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