3 Jan, 2016 → by ClaimboUser689761
Arthur Jewel Community Health Center..No “Jewel” at all.

The women that run the office{and just about everything else there}need some HIPA training.When Im in there w.my young daughter,I dont need to hear about how her bus driver has anal warts,or how another person 'probably sells his pills'...They speak very loudly,even behind glass walls,you can hear them naming NAMES!!!! They even appear to have a grudge against the NP,Ron! As anyone in the waiting room can hear.The larger of the two,obviously lives on a farm,as she smells awful,greasy hair,ripped dirty clothing and very nasty personality.She and her little cohort are constantly giving each other 'looks" when you check in at the desk. And dont bother taking it to the higher ups.These two women have been at the office so long that they are bullet proof.No one can fire them.The bigger one is very rough w/injections and blood draws.Very unpleasant to go there,and my family has already found a new provider..There was a kind woman who worked at the desk for a year or two,but these two harpies were so incredibly mean to her,that everyone i the waiting room would gas at their insults and demeaning way of speaking to her,So,,She is gone....These two..'women'have been at AHCHC for a very long time,and its time for them to be replaced w.kinder more intelligent people.Soon!
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