7 Jun, 2017 → by ClaimboUser309426
Apartment evicts elderly cancer patient, and tows his family’s car!


My elderly parents have lived at waters edge in Bethlehem PA (managed by you) for nine years. They always paid their rent on time and never bothered anyone....they recently were notified that their lease will not be renewed and they have only a couple of months to vacate the Property. My father is terminally ill and bedridden and likely won't live that long anyway. His kids take turns now caring for him so that someone is there for him 24/7. So not only does he have to worry about where he's gonna live (should he by some miracle live that long) but today while his daughter was caring for him the apartment manager had her car towed! For no good reason and with No warnings. Wtf is wrong with people? You can't have just a tiny bit of compassion for an old man on his death bed and just let his family be with him while they still can? Now you have to send eviction notices and tow cars? These people are in their mid seventies and live one $1500 a month and then &350 to get the car back?. Wtf is wrong with this picture? Is this acceptable to you? Is this how we treat our elderly in America? I want you know I'm posting this all over social media as well as asking all my friends and all their friends to repost.
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