28 Jul, 2021 → by ClaimboUser3695
5 1/2 quart dutch oven
I have had this Dutch Oven for about (2) years. There has never been a time when soups, gravies, dishes, etc...did not stick at the bottom. I actually thought it was normal for this kind of pot until recently when my friend said hers didn't stick at all. Per the paragraph below regarding Food Network's dedication, I didn't know if I should attempt to bring back to Kohl's since it's been a while or contact Food Network first. Please advise. Thanks so much. Denise Donovan dutch ovenhttps://corporate.kohls.com DutchOvenUseCarePDF Food Network is dedicated to producing a trusted brand of cookware. ... Should you have a problem with your cookware, please return to your local Kohl's.