21 Jun, 2021 → by ClaimboUser470165
2 nights stay


Dear Nova hotel /Reading I hope you are well, however I am writing today about my experience of this specific hotel that my girlfriend and me stayed in from Wednesday the 16th of June till Friday the 18th of June. We both stayed for both nights. Firstly we both have used Nova hotels in previous trips and had enjoyable stays however on this particular stay we both had a terrible nights sleep on both nights due to the air-conditioning unit in the hotel not working properly. The first night I personally could not sleep due to the heat in the bedroom. I had to go to reception at 3AM to ask if anything could be done. They told me the hotel was having problems with the air con unit and just provided me with a fan to take to my room. This did not help at all. We then had to keep the fan on for the whole duration on the second night as well which as you can imagine made a lot of noise itself. The second nights sleep was just as bad as the first making us very tired throughout our trip. I would expect a little more than just a fan to solve the problem given this just made things worse. When arriving to the hotel for check in we was greeted very rudely. We gave our names and went through the formalities however then my girlfriend and me was asked for and ID, which I had no issues with. However we was quizzed as if we were using a fake ID or something. The lady at reception (Mellissa) told us we both needed id as we looked to young, which I found insulting as I am 21 and my girlfriend is 20. She then continued on to ask us for our dates of birth and full entire name. She then also asked us to remove our masks and squinted at both of us for at least 5 seconds. I was shocked and felt like she was trying to insinuate that we had fake IDs or something. This was not the greeting I expected after a very long journey. The tone in which we were spoken to was not welcoming or professional in my opinion. We was also told that we could only use the pool for 1 time slot per a day from Melissa at reception which we did not have a problem with due to COVID however I was shocked to see the pool was open to use for the public and swimming lessons yet us guests were restricted the the time we had in the pool as there was a maximum of 8 people. Surely these time slots would be prioritised for guests of the hotel not the general public. One of the main reasons for coming to the hotel was to use the spa facilities so this was very disappointing. If the pool was just for hotel resident use I would understand but this was not the case. There was also a lack of attention to detail. When we got into the room there was an empty tissue box which should have been changed before we got there in a addition to a kettle without any cups or condiment's. I had to go down to reception and request these. 1 hour later the tissues arrived and the member of staff sent up was lovely. She was very apologetic. 2 minutes after that we got another knock with the condiments and this time I grabbed them and the woman literally just walked off and started talking to somebody else down the corridor so I was just stood at the door expecting her to say something to me and she just walked off. (This woman was the same one who greeted us at reception extremely rudely) I am so disappointed with my stay. The lack of care and consideration from staff was unbelievable. We ended up spending barely any time in the hotel room as the room was unbearable during our trip and was just treat so rudely I don't know what to think of Nova hotels anymore. Below are details of my booking.
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