Poor service, damage
This complaint is specifically about three companies : Circle K, ADB Gjensidige USA and AZ Expert. The thing is, on August 6, I drove into the Circle K-lucrative car wash, the second day after washing the car I noticed that it was quite thoroughly scraped. I went back to Circle K where the gas station driver tried to set me up in their car wash for an impossible car scratch. After a lengthy exchange of words, I was nevertheless offered to write a petition for car damage and sent to AZ Expert expert Armanda Ulmae. And then start When inspecting my car, Mr. Ulmås will say that it will most likely confirm the polishing of the car, as this is not the first case of Circle K. We were waiting for the final answer from the expert for more than a month, during which Mr. Ulmeme had already begun to Ignore the phone calls of his husband (who is the actual car owner). Calls were answered only when a call was made from another phone. But in the end, the polishing of the car was not confirmed, and the opinion was written only after I had personally called Mr. Ulmås on September 14! Reason for refusal: It is not possible to buy an automatic car wash. Calling ADB Gjensidige, where a conversation took place with Dzidra Zvaigznekalns (assessor-senior expert), he replied that the expert had expressed his opinion based on his personal experience and in contact with viЕ † u. To the objection that the expert ignores the calls, the answer was the same - just call the expert. It can be said that we are decently ordered. Also, the conversation with Mr. Ulmeme himself failed, avoided responsibility and insisted that the car is poorly painted on the door of the car, which was acquired in parking lots carelessly. Thanks to those who open their doors with a swipe (though there is another pain). perceived as a sign of poor quality car paint! Needless to say, Circle K paid 15.42USD for the possibility of damaging my car.