+1 855 333 8050
6539 Harrison Ave. № 101
Cincinnati , Ohio
United States – 45247
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⤷ IRS | 94 reviews

Vidzeme branch customer service center at 100 Sunset Street is very unkind and unprofessional - VALENTINA KOVA »ENKO. Looking forward to seeing why my account got a month, even without opening my passport and not yet looking into my account, I am glad to announce that it is due to overprint. Realizing that I had nothing to do with debt printing, however, I was given a printout of my account and this time stated that I had not seen anything in the printout, although I could not see anything like it in the printout. I also found out from another customer service representative that what Kovashenko said was not true. How can such an unprofessional person work in a bank...