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Hello! As we all know, the state was in a state of emergency where many were left without work. Also. I also had several loans from other institutions, but with them I have humanly agreed on the repayment of the loan, where they have fixed my borrowed money and I repaid the amount without fear of an increase in interest. So now I'm trying to agree with credit24 on such a model, because if one can, then everyone can, all they have to do is want and want, rather than earn on a person's misfortune or risk. “Dina. After my first official submission, they blocked my account on their website and I can no longer even see what amount I have borrowed and their accrued interest. The same goes for writing official submissions, they are not responsible for my existing debt amount even for the official submission. As long as my repayment period is 31 Months, I offer to prepare my own payment schedule, where I repay the loan within the set time limit, but even this one does not go. I would like to inform you that my income has also decreased by 60%. What is currently on hand is 670 dollars and they make me repay, 432 dollars every month. Deleting!