I purchased 2019 and 2020 with 5 activation licenses. These were installed on five different computers. When I go back later to view or ammend my returns, instead of booting into turbo tax, it boots into the activation screen. When I put in my activation code, I get the error that 5 are already in use and...
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I filed my tax return with Turbo Tax on April 13, 2021. The past couple years I filed as self employed, which needs a 1099 form. This has an extra fee, that is added on to the fees of a standard tax return. This time, however, I am not self employed. However, the system still had my...
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I claimed an electric vehicle in 2019 that I bought used. I answered the questions about the vehicle correctly. I assumed a simple check by the software would have caught any errors. It did not and I got fined. All the information was there and available to catch any misunderstanding on my part. This would be a...
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file:///C:/Users/gerit/OneDrive/Documents/Document_2021-04-09_105908.pdf Name: Geraldine Morsicato Cell: [protected] The attached file will explain my complaint. I was charged $148.90 by Turbo Tax for the preparation and submission of my Federal and State taxes for 2020. The forms was submitted electronically on 2/13/21 by Turbo Tax. After waiting 2 months (today is 9 April 2021) I received the attached information...
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When I go to efile and the program goes thru its final check for error phase, it keeps asking me to correct my company name on multiple forms. My company name is written correctly. It keeps looping back and asking me to correct any errors or update. My software is up to date and there is nothing...
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Unity Street Maximas Dino Zoo Girls Seller and Outperforming Store Manager as a Result of Work . Assuming the job stipulates that you will have to work the following ways - 2 days working (10: 00-21: 30) and 2 days free, plus you must complete training courses. So far is OK. But in reality the situation is that 3 days working, 1 free. In the store, a total of 4 employees, 30 days a month divided into 4 employees, logically meets 2 working, 2 free, but the manager was a cunning, lazy woman, who in his own shifts comes to work around 12 o'clock (work starts at 10:00), then the rest of the time (until 19:00, because at 19:20 he comes home to the house, although in reality he would have to work until 9:30 p.m.), that she will never work on weekends, walk around TheMall and other shops, hit the classrooms, buy magazines to beat her `working hours`, after her shifts at home. place. It must be said to work in the opposite way with the manager, the manager has no interest in the work and its improvement, unpleasant attitude towards the employees by recording the working hours that are not actually spent at the workplace. But if a person can afford to work in this style for a long time and no one from above notices anything... Workers in this store practically do not see the light of day, because working from 10:00 to 21:30 (three hours a day). and so all the time, with rare exceptions), lived around 10:30 p.m., which kept a positive attitude towards the store and shoppers, only a dull feeling of fatigue.