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AuAir ticket fraud. Probably everyone knows the fact, but I want to emphasize it again. When searching for tickets on the AuAir website, the system follows your wishes and issues a "no tickets available at this price" message when purchasing tickets. First of all, it is not true! First of all, due to fraud, because there is simply no other explanation, the system does not offer you the remaining tickets at a lower price, but immediately offers at a higher price. For example, you need 2 tickets, but while you are booking someone already buys one. Instead of offering you one ticket at a lower price, the system offers both at a higher rate. Second, tickets suddenly someone bought out, for example, just the system showed 9 and more tickets and is now 0. AuAir explains this fact by the fact that just someone has booked all the tickets for this price. Really within 1 minute? I do not believe it. Third, the system misleads the user because you are offered different prices per session.