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New York , New York
United States – 10003
Complaints & Reviews — MultiPlan
Website – Physician Lookup

poor quality service
I bought a mobile phone from Tele2. After about a month, I found defects in the operation of the phone (the touch screen did not work periodically). Take the phone to a Tele2 service center for repair. About a month later I received the phone back at the MTTC service center at A. Chaka Street 62-1B. Initially, the phone worked, but after about a week I noticed the previous defects again. I take the phone to the Tele2 service center again, this time to exchange it. About a month later I got it back. The warranty inspection report issued by MTTC stated "No telephone defects were found". I went to MTTC on Chaka Street again to show that the phone doesn't really work. The employee removed the SIM card and stated that working without a SIM card,I have a damaged SIM card and need to replace it. I changed the SIM card, the phone still didn't work. Again, I handed over the phone to the Tele2 service center (because I was asked to pay Ls5 for the transfer to MTTC Chaka Street) to receive a conclusion, to exchange and I wrote to check more carefully. About a month later, I received it back and the report reads "Phone defects not found" again. Fortunately, a Tele2 employee recommended to go to Trodeks (DT Mobile) on Mukusalas Street. There I got my phone up and running around the clock.Fortunately, a Tele2 employee recommended to go to Trodeks (DT Mobile) on Mukusalas Street. There I got my phone up and running around the clock.Fortunately, a Tele2 employee recommended to go to Trodeks (DT Mobile) on Mukusalas Street. There I got my phone up and running around the clock. Conclusion: Dear Tele2 customers and other mobile phone users, under no circumstances bring your phones to MTTC and do not agree that Tele2 will send your mobile to this office! There are other services where people know how to do their job! You have the right to choose!