I have worked for them through a company I currently work for. Namely, Griffiko had taken a large object and signed a contract with my workplace for the application of decorative plaster. Initially, the supervisor Andrejs (there are two, unfortunate) seemed very understanding and orderly. However, over time, standard cases were discovered. Didn't pay employees what they didn't have to worry about, because I worked for others other than Grifiko, but their specialists changed frequently. At lunchtime, you can also communicate and hear feedback in the wagon or on the construction site. Frequent staff changes took place for obvious reasons. In which a normal person will work for a month, a month and a half without pay. Each time only reservations, after a while, already sender, something with the bank, etc. Second, chunky talent or inadvertent job management. Because, for example, 1000 square meters fell into one bucket of soil. Before decorating the decorative plaster on the surface, the windows in the walls under the contract had to be decided by the films on their part, of course, to get it ready had to call, should be discussed text and once. End up doing the same. The same goes for the quality of the surface... To appear, blow dec. plaster (1.5mm) surface must be undamaged, otherwise, everything is visible. All this was stipulated in the agreement. But the reality is different. In short, if there is a choice between LLC Grifiko and another company, choose another one!