Unacceptable service
Today, 22. 05, on the day of my son's name, to get a holiday package, my boy and I arrived at the post office in Canberra-21, Ulbrokas Street around 18:00. at the front door of the post office stood a crowd of litters, without any suspicion I went inside to wait for my turn. Upon entering the post office, I heard the employee deduct customers that she had named the wrong number, it was quite rude, considering that she still works in the service sector... the standing child was 5 meters so that there is no disagreement and undisputed power to show her all the numbers that were recorded by sms. At that time, there were two windows, 2 postal workers and two customers at the windows. After a few minutes, maybe sooner, it can be seen in the cameras that definitely the post office should have, she reminded me that I have to go outside. I didn't understand at first, I stood further waiting in line. I would like to point out that I follow all the rules, as suggested by the order no. I picked up electronically so as not to touch unnecessarily items that could be touched by other people. When the postal worker told me in a loud tone that I was not allowed to stand here and I had to go out with my child, I was a little confused because I was at the post office in April, but there was nothing like that. I went out to read the rules, nothing like the rules said I had to stand outside. It was written there about a distance of 2 meters and if the post office can not observe it, then you have to go outside to meet your line. It was windy and wanting to return to the premises so that the child would not catch a cold. I went inside, I stood aside, the distance was observed,all right, I hoped that if I had already come back, it would give me the opportunity to stand in line, pick up my shipment and go eat the baby's name day cake. But no, the lady says that those who stand inside will not be served - in the form of an ultimatum. Do postal workers have permission to drive customers out? At no point did I read such a provision, but a recommendation, not an ultimatum. I said I didn't want to catch a cold, so I didn't want to go outside. Then there was something very strange and atypical in the behavior of Australian postal workers, in a rude manner they verbally stumbled upon me that if I am sick, they will not serve the sick and in general why I have come here that they started to run, the other showed me some remote control, a button... Since I would have done something, my child looked at all this with big eyes... Please give me your name so I can contact the administration. She had no heat at the window or pinned to the form. Which I was again denied in a gross form, calling me sick. Unwilling to continue this conversation, I was simply desperate to visit this post office for 15 years, but what I saw like this for the first time. The holiday was ruined!