+1 757 543 2372
2424 Cromwell Road
Norfolk , Virginia
United States – 23509
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I entered Double Coffee, greeted the waiters, chose a table, waited for the menu to be delivered. It happens that the waiters are busy, but the bar / cabin was empty! The waiters looked up, talked, saw that I was looking for the menu with my eyes, but I did not bring the menu. After a few minutes I went after myself. I sat down for 10 minutes, waiting for the waitress to accept the order in an empty institution, until I asked myself to accept the order. The waiter-zombie unhurriedly stretched out the cappuchino after another 10 minutes, the foam of which had already broken. I understand if there are a lot of people and the zombie-waiter has run out the night before, but my money is being paid for quality, timely coffee. Can't work - DOESN'T WORK. I ordered a sandwich, its a separate topic - I believe that sandwiches should be hot when serving,but now okey. It is possible that the zombie-waiter was not in a hurry to deliver it here either. I asked for an invoice, the zombie waiter asked if there is a Double Coffee card, etc. AND it did not bring the bill for the next 15 minutes. Watching the waiter roll back and forth for another 5 minutes, I asked for the bill again. I could read in his face that he had forgotten that I had asked for an invoice in advance. If you have jackets with memory (serving just 2-3 tables) - DO NOT WORK as a waitress! In general, the experience is unpleasant, Double Coffee (Freedom Street) - no desire to return. On the other hand, the recently visited Double Coffee on Terbatas Street had a really nice service. Double Coffee's choice of waiters is unclear, as not everyone can work in the service industry, especially zombies.