Poisoning and hygiene problems in a catering establishment
After several visits to a restaurant in Tokyo City (Golg Coast, Majori on Jomas Street), I have had to face serious problems more and more often and do not want to go to this restaurant. Currently, we have counted 5 cases when any of us have health problems while eating in this institution. The first is the quality of the cleanliness of the dishes, which almost every time gives the impression that the dishes are not washed / swept well enough due to their water deposits. Nevertheless, the next time I had to face more and more unpleasant things. With family members visiting this usual place, an unpleasant situation arose again, observing the consistency of soy sauce,which turned out to be a surplus of soy sauce poured over by other customers / visitors, which was obvious - the sauce is liquid, cloudy, with flying sesame seeds floating under it, which had previously been housed in other customers' sushi dishes. After asking to exchange it, they did so with reluctance. The next time we visited the same institution (hoping that it was just one unpleasant incident and nothing would happen again, we went again), the favorite type of sushi was found to have a chlorine flavor. Later, according to acquaintances, when we visited this restaurant together, one person from our company became poisoned within half an hour after visiting the restaurant, resulting in two days of diarrhea and severe vomiting, bloated stomach and everything related to the poisoning. This institution has long been honored because close to home,but more and more often I have had to face very unpleasant situations, as a result of which I categorically refuse to go here after all this. Neither hygiene nor the quality of the food no longer evokes in me any positive emotions, on the contrary - disgust and fear, at which point it will be bad or countless times to check the quality of the same soy sauce, rinsing it against the light to know that something will not swim there. Therefore, I am writing this and sharing my experience, be careful whether I would better recommend you to choose another catering establishment on Jomas Street. Sincerely, Seaside.