Home and Garden
Average Rating:
1.9Home and garden reviews include a vast array of things as everyone has his own definition of comfort and beauty. From kitchen equipment to carrots containers, from solar panels to water-resistant cushions — all that and many more falls into reviews of home & garden. A lot of reviews provided by customers are about an incorrect package that arrived with a particular shipment. As home and garden products are very often made to be do-it-yourself, a customer takes the responsibility for correctly assembling the package. No need to mention that he can as often be wrong as correct while missing a hidden latch or bolt in the package. Positive reviews in the home and garden category are praising beautifully grown flowers, convenient containers and other garden accessories, and very-easy-to-assemble kitchenware. Homemakers and customers who mostly stay at their places have usually more time to write a comprehensive review on the product they tried, and it is no surprise that products in this category are reviewed in great detail.