Arts and Humanities

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Do you plan to watch a play, to listen to a concert or to visit another cultural event together with your family or friends? In the category “Arts and Humanities”, we publish reviews, praises, and complaints about theaters, opera houses, museums, galleries, and other locations, where one can enjoy arts. Here, users have the opportunity to share and discuss their impressions about concerts, plays, operas, exhibitions, and other events they visited. Read the reviews available to find out which places in your city are worth your attention and which are not. If you do not want to waste time and money on poor-quality performances, be sure to find some time to look through the feedback on our website before buying tickets. If you wish, write about your own cultural experiences and give recommendations to other users of our website. But do not be too critical, keep your mind open and remember that art is very subjective. In many cases, one needs some time to see the true value of a new trend or genre.