11 Dec, 2018 → by ClaimboUser695305
Seriously Frustrated


I would like to express my frustration over the everything that has happened in the last two weeks. First, I want to say that Woodson, at your Powell Store and Lisa at you main store and the two drivers from your Powell store have been nothing but kind and professional. However, I have had some serious issues that I think you need to be made aware of. On November 28th, 2016, our family lost everything that we owned in the Gatlinburg fires. Needless to say, it was a very terrifying and very devastating night for not only us for many. We ended up I a hotel for 37 days before we moved into our new home. During that waiting period, we purchased almost all of our furniture in one day through your affiliate Ashley Furniture. We spent well over ten thousand in one day including the extended warranty through GBS. In May of this year, the seams on part of our loveseat came apart when someone sat on it. We contacted GBS to get this resolved. We were promised maybe a two week turnaround, but this turn around went all the way into August. Now, I know that GBS is not your concern, but I feel that this is an integral part of this issue. Finally in August, GBS opted to give us a credit for the amount that we spent on the love seat as the love seat and the couch that we have were now retired. When asked of GBS what we needed to do with the love seat, they said that we could do "whatever" with it. So, it was our understanding that we could have thrown it away if necessary. The retirement of the style of love seat presented a whole new issue. There was nothing that we could find that would match what we currently had. We looked several ties from August to the beginning of December. We finally opted to just give in and just use the credit for something else. We looked all day on Saturday and resolved to purchase an outside fireplace from the Powell store. We met Woodson on our first visit that morning and then upon our return. He was very good with us. Everything went well until we went to the business office where we met Carolyn Payne. It was obvious that Woodson was unsure as to how to work with this credit that was issued to us. Apparently Carolyn was not either. I can understand confusion, but her confusion turned into unprofessionalism to not only Woodson, but to us as well. We heard her speak very rudely and very condescendingly to Woodson asking him "Why on earth would you have voided that???!!!" This was said very loudly and in front of ourselves and other customers. It was a very uncomfortable scene. When Woodson came back to us, he was very apologetic stating that the manager, Johnny said that WE would have to bring the love seat back to them before we could use the credit on the item that we wanted to purchase. We were assured by Lisa in August that delivery and the taxes would be taken care of as we had already paid this in the original purchase. We were also told by GBS that we could do "whatever" with this loveseat. Not only was Johnny going to make US bring the loveseat back, he was also going to charge us and additional 100.00 in shipping and handling for the item! That is when I became very frustrated. I requested to speak with the manager. Woodson went to him, he was sent back to us stating that we would have to wait until Monday because they would need to talk to GBS. That is when I asked why they would wait until Monday when GBS was open now. I know this because I had spoken to them at least twice on a Saturday in my many times of tying to get all of this resolved initially. Woodson then went back, and I am assuming that they called GBS because he, Woodson, then came back to me stating that the manager had spoken with GBS. GBS told him that they would not have told us that, but would have told us that it was the company's prerogative as to what we needed to do with the couch. That was not what we were told. At this point, I was so frustrated that I told Woodson that once again I wanted to talk to the manager. I also wanted hi to verify the length of the credit. Lisa at the main store had told me six months, and I wanted to verify again that it was six months. Woodson went to Carolyn, she looked at him with a look of disgust and spoke loudly in a very unprofessional tone, "I don't know!" That is when I told her what Lisa said and told her that it was six months. That is when she looked at me and said in that same unprofessional tone, "I don't know!" That is when I lost my cool. I told her that we were leaving very loudly. I then requested the manager's name. She game me a very blank look. I then lost my temper and said that "If you manager doesn't have the balls to come out as requested, I want his name!" She once again game me that blank look, and of course the manager did not come out. That is when I slammed my hand on the desk and said, "Your manager's name now." That is when she finally gave me the name, "Johnny". We walked away. I am going to apologize, that is not who I am. However, the unprofessionalism of your "management" employees, brought me past my patience level. Their lack of professionalism is unacceptable. We left, and called Lisa at the main store. I was so upset that I couldn't even form a coherent sentence. My husband ended u telling her our story. Lisa was very empathetic and upset for us. She assured us that he would let Dave know about this experience. And sure enough, Dave ended up calling us. He assured us that we would be able to work something out. If we felt that we needed to swap both the couch and love seat, then he would do something to work something up for us to make it happen. The following day, my daughter and I came in. We looked at several couches and loveseats. The issue that I had was that our purchase price on the set would not cover the couches that we thought were suitable. We ended up I the clearance section, where we found the same style of couch, love seat and recliner that we had, but not the recliner aspect of our current couch and loveseat. We spoke with Lisa, and asked he to talk to Dave. The cost of the three pieces were under the amount that we had paid for both the loveseat and the couch. If he was able to work something out to swap, we would take the three pieces, if not we would just take the long couch and use the rest of the credit left on accessories. We received a call from Lisa the next day. Dave said that we could do all three pieces, but would have to pay an additional 300.00. While the fires were two years ago, we are still recovering from that loss, and felt that was not money that we could pay. So we opted to go with the long couch. My husband went in on Tuesday and signed the paperwork for the couch and picked up two pillows, which still left us with about a fifty dollar credit, but I guess he was tired of shopping. So, he left it at that and called it a day. The couch was supposed to be delivered on Friday. I received the call on Friday morning that the couch would arrive between 1230 and 1530, which worked for me. I came home minutes before they arrived. The delivery driver, and please forgive me for not remembering his name, came in assessed the couch and the best way to get it out of the house. He and his partner came in and picked up the loveseat and took it outside. The they proceeded to get the new couch out of the box. They then asked me to come outside. When they unwrapped the couch, they found a whole on the backside. He stated that he wanted to be up front and honest with me so that I was aware. I was given two options. Either they could deliver a new couch or have the new couch repaired. At this point, I let him know my concern about having the repair done due to our experience with GBS, in which we never got the repair. I then decided to call the main store again, but found that Lisa and Dave were both off. So, I spoke with Jason, the Asst. manager. He listened to the issue, was very apologetic, and stated that they would deliver a new couch on either Tuesday or Friday this week. I requested that this be done in the afternoon if at all possible as both my husband and I both work. He agreed. This leads me to today. I was told via voicemail by Tammy on Monday night that I would receive a call before 11:00 to let me know when the delivery would arrive. However, this call never came. I checked my phone multiple times for voicemails from the furniture delivery service. I had missed calls from different people and numbers, but no voicemails. So, when I got home, I called the main store to inquire about the delivery. That is when the person on the other end, stated that the drivers had tried to call, and tagged the door. When I asked her why they didn't leave a voicemail, she stated that she was unsure. However, we would get a delivery on Friday. I then said that "I guess that we don't have a choice." After hanging up with her, my husband and I opted to call Lisa. Lisa was again very apologetic. Yet, once again, she is having to deal with listening to our frustration of another "dropped ball." She stated that if she could she would stay on top of this for me, but is off on Friday. She stated that if I do not receive a call by 11:30 on Friday, that I should call and demand to find out what time they are coming. I told her that, while I appreciated what she said, that I did not feel that I should be the one to verify what your staff should be doing on Friday. It should be their responsibility to follow up with me. This could have been prevented if the drivers had actually followed through and actually left me a voicemail. I, like you work through my day. I do not answer my personal calls at work, that is why I always check for a voicemail and return these calls when I can. This experience is truly one of the worst that I have ever had to deal with. The unprofessionalism and lack of follow through can't be good for this company.
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