15 May, 2020 → by ClaimboUser972567
Housing Voucher


I filled out an intent to vacate the recent apartment that I'm staying in in February 2020. Way before the COVID-19. I tried to get the housing authority to help me move sooner than when my lease is up which is in June but they told me to fill out the paper work and bring it back within 6 weeks. I tried to get them to let me know how much my new voucher would be so when I did find a place I would know how much I could afford. They wouldn't tell me. I had to wait for them to get my intent to vacate form and for me to wait for an appointment to talk to them. I wanted to speak to someone from my team in person but they told me to call. Well, unfortunately I can call but no one will answer and to this day I still don't know how much my new voucher will be. I renewed my voucher info but haven't been able to get any info because the office has been closed since March 2020. My lease is up in June and I don't know how this will play out because my apartment complex office has been closed since March as well. There was a sign that stated they will be open today but the office is still closed. I never got around to trying to renew my lease either. Both my apartment complex and this office has put me in a bind because I absolutely don't know what will happen to me by June because my lease haven't been renewed and my voucher haven't been updated.
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