5 Dec, 2012 → by ClaimboUser436031
Would I Redommend UOP?

While Director of HR for a Billion Dollar comapany in CA in the 1990s that paid tuition for all employees, many chose UOP. One of my direct report, who was highly skilled and talented, got a degree paid for by the company and still can't get an advanced job because of this worthless degree. I sat in on several training sessions for prospective instructors and observed two classes where the students were inept, inarticulate, unqualified for any advanced education, but who were passed to the next level. IT'S THE MONEY. THEY WANT YOUR MONEY AND STUDENT LOAN WHICH GUARANTEES THE MONEY. The Apollo Group (UOP) stock is DOWN by 67%. That means in the tank, underwater and struggling to breathe. Don't give them more oxygen by sigining up for their *** (Chronic Recurring Advertising Promotions) which will lead you to more debt and more revenue for them and no increased job opportunities. Employers have learned that UOP graduates can't perform and haven't learned much. If you are enrolled at UPO, drop out or get a written guarantee (WRITTEN AND MAILED TO YOU) That your degree will guarantee you get a better paying job at least equal to 50% of what the require for you to complete the degree within 2 years of completion. UOP won't do it! Save all emails you have because you may want to sue them later (as several students have).
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