1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser419147
women discrimination


I am deeply disturbed by the way the store manager carried himself today with my complaint. It was one that I do not just come up to anyone and talk about toilet paper but his responses are troubling. I asked him, Mr. Eric Garcia why the womens' bathroom had no toilet paper and his smirk was a bad start but he stated he was sorry but he was more than sure other stalls had them. I told him, as the matter of fact none of the women's stalls had them. In fact as I was complaing to my daughter about this an employee of Academy joined in my converstation and stated, "They had to put up with that too". I told this to Mr. Garcia, his response was "Who is this employee?" That information was irrelevant but he stayed with that demanding to know whom she was...Really what did that matter? I protected her identity. He went on to "Assure" me that the men had toilet paper, and I asked him if he was discriminating against women? He went on to ask me if I knew what the word discrimination means before I went to the store and accuse him of such a thing! I responded to him that he had just told me that the men's stall had toilet paper but none of the women's bathroom stalls did! I responded is that not discrimination? I told him I was going to call corpooration and he laughed and stated he did not care and to go ahead and call with my complaint. Is this what you call good customer service? He proudly displayed his badge to me and showed me so many years of service to your company.! You should be ashamed of yourself for having someone like him leading your brand new store in Mcallen, Texas. It is not ony unsanitary, unethical, immoral and yes discriminating against women! His female employees are of no concern to him? I asked two cashier clerks for his name and they responded they did not know his name! GOOD TRAINING! Proud of your high standards of customer satisfaction! I have you know this complaint is going on the web since there is no way to make this right! However I am demanding a personal letter of apology from this so called Manager Garcia since he thinks I did not have an IQ! For your companies information I am a Crimnal Justice Bachelor Degreed woman of intigrity, high moral standards and fight for fair justice to all!
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