21 Sep, 2019 → by ClaimboUser104796
wil willis, forged in fire


I have contacted you through email regarding Wil Willis' conduct on his Instagram page a number of times, but have never received any response. His conduct is beyond belief, attacking commenters with childish aggression and hate, on a public forum. To believe History Channel condones his actions is both disappointing and disgusting. As I have sent you emails only to be ignored, why? Apparently, Forged in Fire and the History Channel approve of Wil Willis' conduct. Unfortunate that you show no respect to your viewers. K George Brown Bloggers will be informed next, it's a very long list. Begin forwarded message: From: Kim Brown Date: September 9, 2019 at 1:23:06 AM PDT To: [protected]@aenetworks.com Subject: Wil Willis/Forged in Fire Hello, Two days ago I was looking at Wil Willis' Instagram page, and watched his post on a distracted driver (I would direct you to the exact post, but I'm blocked so I can't, but look for one of his latest videos with his hair blowing in his car). Myself and others commented to him that driving beside another driver on a highway while ranting about the other driver while filming himself with his cellphone was also distracted driving. I'll point out here that he's driving his Chevy Nova "hot rod", far from a minivan in power. Rather than trying to appreciate that filming yourself with a cellphone while driving is both dangerous and illegal, he decided to attack everyone who pointed out this fact. Both his aggression, anger and hate increased throughout his post, yet the only thing any of us were saying is that he was also driving dangerously. In the end, just before he blocked me on IG, he gave me the title of "Captain [censored] on the fun", and told myself and a woman we should leave his IG. Now, I'm far from a snowflake in both attitude and age, so being blocked is far from a bother. But... His needless aggression and anger were entirely uncalled for, as he only displayed more hate as the post continued. As I was curious if he was the same elsewhere, I went to his comment on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/WilWillisOfficial/photos/a.1637842606285154/1637842592951822/?type=3&source=48 https://scontent.fcxh3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/30739945_1637842596285155_2097938000490004480_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9&_nc_oc=AQkWpADfSSiGVTy4Tvv-PVM9emawvXKbfwlP-swI2vcmq0Obraw_8MapsJIbKYY3Zljf5tDdZAoydA2b8tyXIZoH&_nc_ht=scontent.fcxh3-1.fna&oh=68ef24f96dc079c8c108a66f11eb66a9&oe=5DFA8E36 In this FB post, please note that the woman was only talking about the waste of food (meat), but rather than simply saying the meat was donated, he went to length to tell the woman exactly what kind of person he considered her to be. The same aggression as he displays on Instagram, now, wether he is happy or not, he's a spokesman for Forged in Fire AND the History Channel, and attacking the fans with what can only be called immature aggression is troubling. As he doesn't differentiate between a ten year old or an eighty year old with his attacks, his conduct is simply... sick. He seems very happy to be a celebrity and have people believe he's wonderful, yet his real personality is openly displayed on social media, and his egotistical aggression and outright hate are not in any form muted. Either the History Channel or Forged in Fire don't monitor their "stars" social media, or you're both happy to have Willis attacking fans of your show and fully condone his attacking the very people who make your show popular (personally I'm going with option two). Now, I have little interest that Willis blocked me, but, his conduct, on public forums is entirely unacceptable, he's hosting a show where he aggressively attacks fans for no actual reason. Again, if you haven't gotten hate mail from angry parents, it will be coming. Now, I will point out that I love Forged in Fire, it's an excellent show, and I have absolutely no issues with the judges or any contestants, they're all great fun. But, as a result of Willis' very troubling aggression, I will be contacting media outlets and bloggers about Willis, people need to understand who the face of Forged in Fire is when the cameras turn off. This type of action simply cannot be allowed to be unknown, as there are a lot of kids who watch this show and think he's "cool". No one should be represented a "family" show like this while the host aggressively attacks fans. Love the show, but people should know about your hate filled, aggressive host and what he really thinks of it's fans. If his aggression is History Channel approved, I'm canceling my subscription. Thank you, K George Brown
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