12 Sep, 2020 → by ClaimboUser921121
Transformer pole


FPL pole is on my property and feeds 4 houses. We have frequent power outages that last for hours! I have called on two ocasiones and requested to put in a formal complaint because this is unacceptable! Today, 9/12/20, our power went out at 9:45am and got restored at 7:30 pm! FPL sent out a subcontracted crew at around 5:00 pm and the power was restored for all of 3 minutes! The PIke crew was literally down the street and we had already lost power again! The second crew Concurrent, just left at 7:30 pm, and so far we still have power. Keeping our fingers crossed. This is not the first or second time this happens, it happens often and FPL has done nothing to prevent it from continuing to occur. Not only did we have no power for over 9 hours, and everything melted in my freezer, but I work from home and lost a day of pay! Who do I call/talk to, to get this issue solved???
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