23 Aug, 2019 → by ClaimboUser529992
tithe scam


TO ALL VCF CHURCHES GLOBALLY AND YOUR PASTORS BY MIKE WHITE its no bad if a church will ask help from anyone but to the extend of Making Money as your god, is a Big No No scriptural speaking for it is apparent that you cannot serve both God and Money. You are always living a lifestyle of filthy rich but it is at the expense of the members of your church thus makes you a prosperity gospel church especially when you always quoting verses that will make vcf member rich and the wisdom to material prosperity is not the very goal of Jesus in this world. Your church is a combination off good teaching of Jesus butt it is just a front because you always highlighted "MONEY GAIN" . can only be obtain and have is when you "Tithe" and that is a doctrinal error. You and me knows that no where in the new testament God Commanded us to TITHE nor GIVE. Paul said give it in accordance to your heart and not out of regrets o no wanting to give yet in your one on one pamphlet, you specifically said that you will be a curse when you don' tithe! Have you not realize that by doing so despite knowing the fact that we are no longer under the law such as circumcision, tithing, no eating of blood; etc and many more are the teachings of the law and Paul added that "curse is he who follow the Law" and the whole scripture is saying that thing is for the Jewish people long time ago as well as the burning of lamb to offer as sacrifices for your sin is no longer in force when Christ died on the cross because we are not save by doing ll this works which we cannot fulfill that's why God sent His Son Jesus to fulfill the law and by faith in Jesus will make as all SAVE because we become the Adopted Sons of God so it is now by faith through Christ alonee leads us to Salvation not by any effort less no onee can boast for the good works is just the result of our becoming the children of God. Why is your church always preaching how to become Rich and it shows to my very "eyes" how you manipulated the gospel by always using "Prosperity"to attract people to become your members. Worst thing is, I have given you tithes for more than a decade with fear because you always teaches that if we don't give, God will "CURSE" us and this is some kind of a money scam or estafa legally speaking because you misrepresent us the false teaching and fooled us by making us afraid that is why we gave you TITHES for more than a decade and I hope you will return all what we have given you by fear. We saw how arrogant your attitudes are and we cannot see Christ in you and you are living a very worldly and lavish lifestyle at the expense of your many members who are mostly poor. You are not the True Shepherd as how the bible illustrated because a Shepherd will leave all his sheep to find the one who was lost then bring it back to the flock but you are as the bible illustrated are the Caretakers who don't care for the flocks if they will be eaten by wolves and this is what the bible is calling as the ANTI-Christ. You are only feeding your stomach and never cares for the flock and now here you are asking me money through my credit card. One day you will meet "Death" and I assure you that your rich and luxurious lifestyle here and your evil doctrine of tithes and making money to people will bring you to the lake of fire ONE DAY! You are not God's people and how dare you go pretending to help other churches to grow but instead your aim is only to get their members. This is not new even is Tennessee USA, I read the article how you amassed members of other churches for what to give you TITHES which is a False teaching. You are very good in the word of God and I pray you will change and ask God to give you the right teaching but I am afraid that you cannot understand me because you are all the children of satan. Your Pastors are what everyone call it as "Hireling Pastor". I don't judge you but you have judge yourselves by the kind of fruits you have shown to us. God Bless!
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