20 Sep, 2015 → by ClaimboUser515477


Self been in business for 19 years; dealt with over 14 leasing companies. Some are decent and straight forward, some carry deceptive verbiage in their contracts but do not utilize it to the extreme; some implement systematic fraud and deception to get the best out of your hard earned money. Genesis Commercial Capital LLC is THE MASTER OF SYSTEMATIC FRAUD AND DECEPTION! Deceptive, manipulative, abusive, ill-mannered executives and a lying loan processor. No one wants to write anything in an email… they want to talk on the phone because California law requires the consent of both parties to make a voice recording stand in court; otherwise you may record conversations all day… it does not help you. Sweet talk in the begging, once you sign the first document you are locked in. If you do not continue, you lose thousands, and if you continue, you lose thousands. You agree to certain terms and rates, like $1 buy-out; thereafter, they slip in paper work with fair market value and completely different rates. This is besides the fraudulent interim rent charge that is a bogus unearned money that they attempt to rip you out of for a period before they own the title on the equipment, and when the equipment was solely owned by your vendor who put it in your possession for evaluation purposes. Bottom line: deal with them, you are guaranteed to get burned out of thousands of dollars. BEWARE OF THESE MASTERS OF SYSTEMATIC FRAUD AND DECEPTION!
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