1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser312360
terrible service – incompetent


Taiwan, Nov. 5th 2008 My name is Andrea Cacopardo. I bring to your attention this issue because I believe your company would not accept such behavior from its employees at any level and does not follow this kind of policies that are strongly lacking any business ethic. I am currently living in Taiwan and I am going to move to Malawi for work. I am moving there and so is my family which includes a pet, a Golden Retriever of 5 months. I came to know that Kenya Airways is pet friendly and I was happy to finally find a company that could transport my pet to Malawi with ease and without worries. That was what I thought until I contacted Kenya Airways representative in Taipei, Ms. Jen. Besides being completely incompetent in the matter, I was astonished at what she said and she proposed during several phone calls. But let’s come to the facts. I first contact Kenya Airways Cargo for information about shipping the dog through a Cargo Company which cost NT$ 46.000. This is through a Cargo Company, which means that the pet does not need to be accompanied by the owner as by regulations. However, Ms. Jen decided (going against regulations) that the pet, even if shipped through a cargo company, has to be accompanied by the owners. In few words, Ms. Jen blackmailed the fact that if the pet will ship with Kenya Airways via cargo through a cargo company the owners have to fly with Kenya Airways too or the pet won’t be accepted. I was planning to fly with Kenya Airways anyway, being the best way to get to Lilongwe from Taipei, so no harm done even if I was not happy with the tone assumed by Ms. Jen. Besides this, though, the ticket from Taipei to Lilongwe for a person is NT$48.000, as confirmed by a travel agency in Bangkok and from my employer which bought two tickets already at that price for the same route. However, Ms. Jen (and I am surprised that such unprofessional individual can work for Kenya Airways and be in a position of responsibility) says that the ticket for two people traveling is NT$58.000. So, in few words, Ms. Jen first forces us to travel with Kenya Airways because we ship a pet via Cargo (which should not be mandatory being the pet shipped with a cargo company and not as extra luggage); and second, she charges NT$10.000 more than the regular fair for each ticket. At this point, I would not be surprised if Ms. Jen, and I am not afraid to make such accusations, would pocket the extra NT$20.000 herself. I personally feel tricked from a person that is blackmailing me for shipping my dog. To complete the whole story, and to make you aware of how incompetent and careless is Ms. Jen, I was astonished to hear her saying that she is making us a favor, (wow! This woman has guts! She tries to trick me and blackmails me and she is making me a favor??? she over-charges me on the passenger tickets, and she is making us a favor?!) and to conclude she stated that the pet might die during the trip?????????? Are we serious????????????? I do not want to believe that such person not only can work in your company but that she can even speak on the phone with customers. I am outraged and I will pursue any mean possible to have this straighten up. It is not acceptable and even thinkable that a customer receives such treatment. As a consequence, I had to delay my trip due to this incident. As a result, and thanks to Ms. Jen, I won’t ship my pet with Kenya Airways (since Ms. Jen stated that my pet might die) and I will never travel with Kenya Airways and I will make as much rumor possible about this incident. I hope this complaint won’t be left unheard as it usually happens. Best Regards, Andrea Cacopardo Ph. # [protected] E-mail: [protected]@libero.it
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