27 Jun, 2018 → by ClaimboUser7270
Ridiculousness is putting it nicely!


Back in the beginning of April I called monitronics asking to cancel because we were moving. I found out then that I had a contract of 60 months that their salesperson never told us about (it was in the fine print apparently) so I asked to put it on hold until we moved into our new location 3 months later. Guy said ok and that was it. He did NOT tell me to be sure to take my equipment with me or I would’ve done just that. During our 3 months we kept getting bills and then bills with late fees attached when we were told we would not have to pay while we didn’t have service. I called and they said it would get fixed when we restarted service. Makes no sense right? Well then my husband started getting calls THREATENING COLLECTIONS! Because our bill was past due. I had to call them again and make them cancel out our bills and put it on hold for sure this time so that we would be able to buy our house. Fast forward to move in. I called to set up install and was told it would be $900 to install since I didn’t bring my equipment with me. Something I WASNT TOLD TO DO!!! I was told to bring my invisible fence equipment with me so guess what I did! If I would’ve known to bring it I would’ve!! The only way around the price is to extend my contract. Why would I want to extend my contract with a company who has made moving ridiculous?! I will NEVER RECOMMEND THEM TO ANYONE. They are awful at best. If you want to cancel they are awful and if you move they are even worse. We are a military family and they are just screwing us over!
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