19 Sep, 2020 → by ClaimboUser540572
Novotel, centre Edinburgh


Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you to raise an issue about your Edinburgh Hotel. The fire alarm was activated at around 01:10am on 29th August 2020. After evacuating the building and standing around in the assembly area for 30 mins, there was no sign of the fire brigade on site to check for a genuine issue. This was followed by confusion from guests as to whether we could then re-enter the building or not. There seemed to be no apparent fire warden or clear instructions. I would also add that there was no fire warden that I saw to ensure people left their rooms. We could still see people at their windows looking to see what had happened without evacuating. Under these circumstances, the whole building should be evacuated. I would hate to think if this was a genuine issue, what the consequences would have been with people with young children going back into the building. An official acknowledgment and reply to this email with improvement plan would be appreciated. I look forward to your prompt response on this matter. As recommended by Trading Standards, I would like to keep a complete record of my case, so please reply to this email address. Yours faithfully, Mark Boyes Reservation or booking reference JPJLBKKG Hotel name or location: Edinburgh Central 34 Oaklea Mews Aycliffe Newton Aycliffe DL5 6JP
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