21 Jan, 2019 → by ClaimboUser586485
not receiving my goods


From: cleverbridge customer support via zendesk.com Reply-to: cleverbridge customer support To: Carlos Buckley Date: Jan 19, 2019, 12:17 pm Subject: [customer support] re: camfrog annual extreme Signed-by: zendesk.com Security: standard encryption (tls) learn more : important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Carlos Buckley Jan 19, 18:42 CST Transaction id: 5hk02027290064436 (https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/transaction/details/5HK02027290064436?ppid=PPX000804&cnac=CA&rsta=en_CA(en_CA)&cust=ZUCWA3DE7TD92&unptid=a79df7aa-1ba8-11e9-b5ce-d4856454d6a8&t=&cal=c83e3528e867&calc=c83e3528e867&calf=c83e3528e867&unp_tpcid=email-recurringpayment-profile-w-initial-payment-created&page=main:email&pgrp=main:email&e=op&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys) I payed for exstreem camfrog one year subscription from my pay pal account. I used my email [protected]@gmail.com for my pay pal and my email for the camfrog video is [protected]@gamil.com but I have received nothing but a headache trying to rectifie this. Please can you help
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