26 Jun, 2020 → by ClaimboUser156621
Mistreatment by owners wife in front of customers – lost a hearing aid


First, let me start out by saying in part of the American Disability Act and having a disability - Dual Hearing Loss (not that it is required by law to state) and another that doesn't require me to wear a mask. I mention it for the reason of understanding this review. It is June 24, 2020, Wednesday afternoon, I returned back to Carmine's Gourmet Market with the hopes of finding one of my recent and very expensive purchased hearing aids that had fallen out of my ear due to wearing a face mask. Secondly, let me say, I have gone to many stores with never having the experience I am about to share with you. I enter the store, already looking down and retracing my steps, I'm approximately 90% done looking when I am approached and taken by surprise, by a woman who immediately informs me in a authoritative loud tone, "that I must wear a mask to come into the store". I let her know I'm leaving soon but only looking for my lost hearing aid. Let me say, I am already upset losing this hearing aid and having this woman approach me in the manner the way she did not make the situation better. She couldn't care less of what I was saying and insisted I put on a mask. She didn't want me to continue to search but now to leave the store. I don't remember when the mention of calling the police came in, however, I do remember saying twice, "call the police and that I didn't care". They never called them and I wished they had. Her focus was that of a dictatorship and demanding I wear a mask. I had one in my hand but couldn't put it on for three reasons: 1) it had fallen to the ground and now dirty, 2) fear of losing my other hearing aid and, 3) the simple fact as per the ADA I am exempted. I was in complete shock with this woman's unprofessional behavior to me in front of all the customers and the staff members. The humiliation and embarrassment were beyond! Here's another thing she focused on and how wrong she was, that it was "mandated by law that we wear a mask". Little did she know that decision to mandate face masks by the Board of Commissioner's date to start wasn't yet set nor was it a law. It was only agreed upon and made the news. However, it went into effect the following day. (which happens to be today I am writing this) What I found most disturbing is instead of being a concerned professional and offering to help look for the lost hearing aid and understanding how something like this could happen from wearing a face mask, peacefully she instead, creates a scene with her loud authoritative insistence that I have to wear a mask. She was completely out of line and it was completely unnecessary. By not letting me, complete my task, and forced to leave the store she has now helped along with the decisions of the government, create an economic-financial hardship to replace this hearing aid. I will never know if they were lost in the store as I have searched everywhere else. One more last thing, as I was leaving I said, I know the owner Carmine of many years and I will let him know what happened. I'm immediately informed that woman was his wife, Sheila, as they all laughed! Interesting, to say the least, and I've heard all about her in the past from others and it wasn't nice. With that being said, I will not stop here and I will be researching a recourse for her reaction. She is a disgrace to the hard times this country is going through. She should be embarrassed!! And, thanks to you, Sheila, I will NEVER return to the store or to the restaurant. I hope your husband appreciates you more after the show of your professional display. You made his business look good - NOT! User's recommendation: None worth giving.
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