1 Jun, 2018 → by ClaimboUser175600
Mismangement ,contract and other other shortfalls

Mono had to " Farm-out " an IDT Tech to attempt to resove numerous problems . HELP ME The wait time for this call was far far too lengthy as is the problems gone unresolved , by your " Farmed Out " Techs . I must cancel ASAP as I"ve art that must be secured . Time waited 34 minutes typical .There isn't a MONO Tecc in my democratic mismananaged State of Ct , a Sanctuary State for Illegals , Jihadists and those that want the world for nothing ENTITLEMENT PARASITES . The state of Ct. is mismanaged like all other Democratic managed States as Ct's the 2d Highest Taxed State in the Union , yet 5 BILLION in the HOLE
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