30 Mar, 2019 → by ClaimboUser828546
Mega Energy’s “Deals” once they end, your Electric rates are DOUBLED


Update by user Mar 31, 2019 After their phone number was NOT functional - either not going through at all when dialed, or getting the message "The number you have called is not........", NOW it answers with a recording to call during their business hours M-F. Phones just don't randomly do this. To me, this simply illustrates the GAMES & DECEIT of this company. Update by user Mar 31, 2019 Mega-Energy's number I contacted them on Jan. 31, and is on their website - is NO LONGER FUNCTIONAL!! 855-810-****. This show you what a shady outfit they are. Then, at the bottom of their website, you find a number that is actually for the Public Utilities Consumer Affairs Unit of Connecticut! Absurd. Then, there is a non-profit alliance, megaenergy.org, who I spoke to to told me they had unfortunately chosen MEGA as their name, which stands for Municipal Electric & Gas Alliance for the State of New York. I was further told they knew of Mega-Energy LLC, and found there are tons of complaints by customers being ripped off by them. And, that the Alliance for NY utilities that I called, gets mutiple complaint calls EVERY DAY from people like me trying to reach the company, Mega-Energy LLC. This should tell you all you need to know about a deceitful, ruthless outfit that I will pursue that every regulatory agency who has them operating in their State takes legal action against them. Update by user Mar 31, 2019 I just printed out the ComEd bill the month before Mega-Energy DOUBLED her rates. The message does NOT state there will be a rate increase as its agent claimed when we called; it instead states the following, which is FRAUD, a state and federal crime: Mega Energy FOR NEXT MONTHS RATE; CONTACT PH: (888) 888-****; MYSITE.COM This is FRAUD, because that phone number is a SCAM phone number that has been used by endless scammers. I will file complaints on Mega-Energy with the Illinois Commerce Commission, the FCC, and every agency that deals with this type of company. Original review posted by user Mar 30, 2019 Mega Energy makes cold calls to other electric company's customers, particularly they prey on the Elderly. This is exactly what they did to my sister. She was offered some piddly discount from ComEd's rates. As most people, she does not remember if Mega Energy even told her that the rates would change after one year. Mega Energy then DOUBLED her rates from 0.07 cents per kWh to 14.9 cents! When I discovered this, I called Mega Energy myself. They made excuses that on her ComEd bill, there was a notification of this. I looked through her bills, and found this in very tiny print, where almost no one sees it. I then immediately canceled her service. That was TWO months ago, & I now discover that they NEVER REMOVED their service, and her bills are at 14.9 cents per kWh, as opposed to ComEd's 7.219 cents, which is not only less than half Mega Energy's, but this is with ComEd's rate increases in the last two years! I will report them to the ICC for fraud, and failure to take her off their service when she signed NO contract.
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