22 Nov, 2019 → by ClaimboUser262282
If you’re concerned about your well being, do not purchase water from companies that bottle it in plastic. It’s that simple.


Your water is gross!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're beyond stupid if you think for one instant that your product is superior. You cannot bottle ANYTHING in PLASTIC and continue to be that ignorant!!!!!!!!!!! Even Figi Water, which is far better than yours, is now every bit as much trash as yours is BECAUSE they bottle their product in PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must subscribe to the philosophy: "When Ignorance is Bliss, Tis Folly to be Wise. I watched a documentary about Poland Spring, and it was hardly complimentary. Don't you obtain your water from a spring that the locals do not have access to, then sell it back to them in toxic plastic? That hardly seems fair.
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