1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser481254
hypocritical commercial full of double standards


The Progressive Insurance commercial starts out with two female Progressive Insurance employees unprofessionally and sexually staring at and commenting about a new male Progressive Insurance employee. A less attractive male Progressive Insurance employee enters the scene, feels threatened that his looks are inferior and begins to go in to a body dismorphia fit comparing himself to the new Progressive Insurance employee delusiinally thinking they look a like. Then, one of the female Progressive Insurance employees cruelly says, "You really think you look like him?". Then the commercial continues the same libiot double standard until the end. The next time some lazy fat lady is complaining about me looking at a sexy model in a magazine or brings up that #metoo nonsense, I'll be sure to remember this Progressive Insurance commercial and many other obvious double standards that I've had it up to my lower lip with. This Progressive Insurance commercial is an obvious one. They're saying it's ok for women to check out men they work with at their office in the sexual context and comment on them. They're saying it's ok for women to judge men on their looks at work and make sexual assessments of them. If it's ok for them it's ok for men too. That should be the new hash tag... #mentoo and it should be for all innocent white heterosexual men that are expected to put up with being degraded and kiss every other kind of persons butt. Not today, not any day. I never did anything wrong. I just wonder what all those stupid girls that got their positions on wuss pass are going to do now that they have to actually do their jobs. Where's that statistic? #mentoo Not very progressive of you, Progressive Insurance.
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